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Consider these Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Consider these Benefits of Sclerotherapy

Are you tired of covering up your legs to keep unsightly spider or varicose veins out of sight? At Alate Health in Houston, Texas, we have a safe and effective solution that can restore your confidence and the appearance of your legs: minimally invasive sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is an outpatient procedure that safely treats troublesome spider and varicose veins. Your provider injects a medicated liquid solution, called hypertonic saline solution, directly into the affected veins, where the solution irritates the veins from the inside, causing them to collapse. 

In the weeks following your treatment, the treated veins are reabsorbed through your body’s natural healing process and disposed of with other cellular waste. In just a few short weeks, the veins disappear, leaving you with legs you won’t mind showing off this summer and fall. 

At Alate Health, board-certified interventional radiologist Dr. Andrew Doe and the rest of our care team use this quick in-office therapy to erase unwanted veins and restore your leg health successfully.

Take a moment to consider the benefits of sclerotherapy and whether it could be the right treatment for you!

Sclerotherapy is safe

Sclerotherapy is a safe way to treat troublesome spider and varicose veins, providing a much less invasive treatment than surgical interventions. There’s no need for anesthesia or incisions, and the risk of infection is very low. 

The most common side effects include mild bruising, slight redness, and tenderness at the injection site. Some people may develop broken blood vessels around the site of injection. However, these disappear on their own.    

Sclerotherapy is effective

In addition to being a safe treatment for spider and varicose veins, sclerotherapy remains a popular choice because it effectively eradicates up to 80% of these unsightly veins after each treatment session. Fewer than 10% of patients don’t experience an improvement.  

While the treatment is effective, however, results don’t appear overnight. Small spider veins usually fade away in only 3-6 weeks, but varicose veins can take 3-4 months to disappear. Some patients benefit from additional sclerotherapy treatments to erase veins.

Sclerotherapy treats more than appearances

While their unsightly appearance is the number one reason our providers treat spider veins and small to moderate varicose veins, they can be a sign of a more serious condition called chronic venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency results when the one-way valve that keeps blood flowing in the right direction becomes weak or stops functioning. This causes blood to flow incorrectly or pool in the affected veins, and it can cause uncomfortable symptoms including:

If you have any of the above symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency, rest easy knowing the team at Alate Health offers expert diagnostic and treatment services to remedy your condition, including sclerotherapy, which helps improve these symptoms and restores your leg health.  

Sclerotherapy is an option for most people

One of the best things about sclerotherapy is that most adults with small to midsize varicose or spider veins are candidates for sclerotherapy treatment. Patients with large varicose veins or significantly damaged veins may need a different solution, such as removal through phlebectomy.  

After reviewing your medical and family history, current symptoms, and a physical exam, your team member at Alate Health customizes a treatment plan to meet your unique needs. We take time to answer any questions or concerns you have and review all pre- and post-treatment instructions.  

Ready to learn more about the benefits of minimally invasive sclerotherapy? Contact the Houston, Texas, offices of Alate Healthy by calling 713-322-7537 or request a consultation online at your convenience.

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